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Beautiful Design and Useful Buying Guide of Office Table

Office table is important for the interiors of offices. With the advent of the modern-day scenario of offices, with back offices and home-based start-ups, office tables are much in demand these days.

These office desks are available in the market in a variety of different designs which vary in their aesthetics, sizes, storage equipment, and wood-quality. In the following aspects, I have mentioned the unique designs of office tables, followed by a buying guide that eases the hassle that goes with the buying of one.

Different Office Tables

Nettle Office Table cum Shelf

This office table has a number of different shelves at the back edge of the table-top. The table has a keyboard tray below it, which makes the office table useful. The design has two drawers below the table top and a cabinet at the bottom of the table. This design of office table has several shades of overlaying finishes over it, which gives a shiny look to the surface of the table.

Candy Office Table

This is a foldable design of study table where the table-top of the table can be folded. The design of the table has shelves behind the folded table-top. This design of the table has three cabinets arranged one above the other for equipping the table with organised storage. The design has also been made comfortable with a footrest at the bottom of the table, which provides comfortable sitting.

Enric Office Table

This office table has an elegant and minimalist design with two legs, and a comfortable footrest connecting the two legs. The table design has a small tray-like drawer in the center of the table, equipping storage under the table-top. Sheesham hardwood looks great with its grain pattern flaunting over the surface of the table.

Mather Office Table

This is also a minimalist design of office table which looks great with the crossed-legged design at the foundation being designed in a rusty look. This design has open shelves below the table-top. The table looks great with the unique design of office tables and in the interiors look great with the interiors.

Buying Guide: Office Table

Measuring the Space for Your Area

It is better to measure the space where you are planning to keep the table. This would help you purchase the table that best suits your interiors. Also, a table specially made for a place looks great than the standard size of office table lying in that place.

Investing in A Long-Lasting Table Design

Office tables are available in a variety of different wood quality. It is better to invest in hardwood-made office tables because these tables are well-known for their grain strength and make the table sturdy or robust.

Aesthetics that Match the Interiors

The office table is overlaid with a variety of different finishes, which are available in different shades such as walnut, honey, mahogany, teak and natural finish. It is better to choose the finish as per the theme of the interiors and the finish of the other furniture lying in that place.


Office tables are much required in the interiors of modern-day offices. With the start-ups and home offices much in boom these days, office tables are much in demand.

Wooden Street has a vast collection of different office tables which vary in their aesthetic designs, wood quality, and storage equipment. Also, you can check out other furniture units on the Wooden Street website, such as beds, sofas, dressing tables, coffee tables and lounge chairs.

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